Roger Moore
SLC Human Services & Public Safety Committee Virtual Program
Presiding Officer: Senator Katrina Shealy, South Carolina; Chair, SLC Human Services & Public Safety Committee
More than 30,000 youth are incarcerated in the United States each year, while another 350,000 are placed on probation. As youth in the juvenile justice system age, it is important for policymakers to ensure this population has the skills and knowledge necessary for future success. Unfortunately, youth in the justice system are more likely to face an array of obstacles compared to their peers, including a lack of math and reading proficiency; more frequent suspensions and expulsions from school; special education needs; and fewer employability skills. This program provides an overview of the national landscape related to juvenile justice improvement during the past decade, focusing on the shift from incarceration to community-based supervision and services, and provides effective measures that improve outcomes while balancing public safety.
Josh Weber, Deputy Division Director, Corrections and Reentry, The Council of State Governments Justice Center, Washington, D.C.