Agriculture & Rural Development

Invasive Species

G. Keith Douce, Ph.D., Co-Director, Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health, University of Georgia

Farm Bill Update

Bob Tabb, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture, West Virginia

Ag Trade and State Trade Promotion

Charles Green, Director of Marketing & Development, Department of Agriculture, Virginia

Impact of Herbicide Resistant Weeds

Bob Nichols, Ph.D., Senior Director, Agronomy, Weed Control, Cotton Incorporated, North Carolina

Economic Development, Transportation, Cultural Affairs

Evolving Role of State Infrastructure Banks: Lessons from the States

David Tyeryar, Deputy Secretary of Transportation and CFO, Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Virginia

Federal Surface Transportation Authorization Legislation: West Virginia’s Perspective

Paul A. Mattox, Jr., P.E., Cabinet Secretary, West Virginia Department of Transportation

Competing in the National and Global Marketplace in Fiscally Challenging Times: West Virginia’s Approach

Keith Burdette, Cabinet Secretary, Department of Commerce, West Virginia

Infrastructure’s Impact on Economic Growth

Alex Herrgott, Director, Congressional and Public Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.


College Readiness and Completion: Update on Kentucky Senate Bill 1

Terry Holliday, Ph.D., Commissioner of Education, Kentucky

Robert L. King, President, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

Alicia Sneed, J.D., Acting Executive Director, Education Professional Standards Board, Kentucky

Higher Education Finance Reform: Lessons from Tennessee

Russ Deaton, Ph.D., Associate Executive Director for Fiscal Policy and Administration, Tennessee Higher Education Commission

David Wright, Chief Policy Officer, Tennessee Higher Education Commission

Energy & Environment

Energy Security and Economic Development: The Future of Infrastructure  

Tristan Sanregret, Director, Alberta-U.S. Relations, Canadian Embassy, Washington, D.C.

Jim Dunlap, President of Jim Dunlap Consultants, Oklahoma

Advancements in Renewable Fuels Technology

Randy Wolfe, Director of Business Development, Balcones Resources, Arkansas

Fossil Fuels and the Role of Emerging Technologies

Richard A. Bajura, Ph. D., Director, National Research Center for Coal and Energy, West Virginia

Southern States Energy Board: 2012 Legislative Digest

Representative Rocky Adkins, Kentucky, Vice Chair, SSEB

Fiscal Affairs & Government Operations

Enhancing the Funding Position of State Medicaid Programs: Lessons from Virginia

Bill Hazel, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Virginia

To Expand or Not to Expand: State Medicaid Programs and the Affordable Care Act

Chris Whatley, Director, CSG Washington, D.C. Office

Leveling the Playing Field: Online versus Main Street Purchases

Delegate John Doyle, West Virginia, on behalf of Representative Joe Hackney, Minority Leader and Former Speaker of the House, North Carolina House of Representatives

Bolstering the Financial Position of State Unemployment Insurance Funds: Recent Trends from Virginia

Clyde Cristman, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, Senate Finance Committee, Virginia

Comparative Data Reports Presentations

Corrections: Patrice Thomas, Louisiana Legislative Fiscal Office

Education: Hank Hagar, West Virginia Legislative Staff

Medicaid: Patrice Thomas, Louisiana Legislative Fiscal Office

Revenue: Kevin Anderson, Arkansas Bureau Of Legislative Research

Transportation: John Snyder, Kentucky Legislative Research Commission

Human Services & Public Safety

Enhancing the Funding Position of State Medicaid Programs: Lessons from Virginia

Bill Hazel, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Virginia

To Expand or Not to Expand: State Medicaid Programs and the Affordable Care Act

Chris Whatley, Director, CSG Washington, D.C. Office

Justice Reinvestment: Strategies for Curbing Recidivism and Reducing Corrections Costs

Speaker Kris Steele, Oklahoma

David Guice, Director, Division of Community Corrections, Department of Corrections, North Carolina

Megan Grasso, Policy Analyst, Justice Center, The Council of State Governments

Special Presentation: Health Industry Perspective on the Affordable Care Act

Paul Skowronek, Vice President, State Affairs, America’s Health Insurance Plans