Agriculture & Rural Development
Water Management and Agriculture
Mark Masters, Ph.D., Executive Manager, ACF Stakeholders, Inc., Georgia
New Options for Rural Housing
Marion McElroy, 20K Manager, Auburn University Rural Studio, New York
Farm Bill Update
Nathan Smith, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Extension Economist, University of Georgia
The New Extension Service
Economic Development, Transportation, Cultural Affairs
Ensuing Economic Growth: Investing in Infrastructure
Innovative Funding and Financing Tools for Transportation
Moving the Global Supply Chain Along: What Should States Do and What Are They Doing?
Jimmy Lyons, CEO, Alabama State Port Authority
Arts and Culture: Catalyst for Economic Growth
Albert B. Head, Executive Director, Alabama State Council on the Arts
Preparing A 21st Century Workforce: Alabama’s Workforce Development Strategy
Greg Canfield, Secretary, Alabama Department of Commerce
Mark Heinrich, Ph.D., Chancellor, Alabama Community College System
Jim Bolte, President of Toyota Motors and Manufacturing, Alabama
School Climate and Safety
Kerri Williamson, Training Director, National Association of School Resource Officers, Alabama
The Third Grade Reading Hurdle
Laurie Lee, Reading Specialist, Just Read, Florida!
Cari Miller, Policy Advisor for the Foundation for Excellence in Education, Florida
Judy Stone, Alabama Reading Initiative Coordinator, Alabama State Department of Education
Remaking Remediation
Bruce Vandal, Complete College America, Washington, D.C.
The Teaching Profession in Transition
Tom Carroll, Ph.D., National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, Washington, D.C
Energy & Environment
Innovations in Fossil Fuel Electricity Production
Paul Franklin, Vice President of Generating Assets, Southwestern Electric Power Company, Arkansas
EPA Regulation of Green House Gas Emissions
NASA DEVELOP National Program
Jamie Favors, Deputy National Lead, NASA DEVELOP National Program
Southern States Energy Board’s 2013 Legislative Digest
Representative Rocky Adkins, Kentucky, Vice Chair, SSEB
Fiscal Affairs & Government Operations
Preparing A 21st Century Workforce: Alabama’s Workforce Development Strategy
Greg Canfield, Secretary, Alabama Department of Commerce
Mark Heinrich, Ph.D., Chancellor, Alabama Community College System
Jim Bolte, President of Toyota Motors and Manufacturing, Alabama
Tax Credits, Incentives and Exemptions: What Works and What Does Not?
Dan White, Senior Economist, Moody’s Analytics, Pennsylvania
Josh Goodman, Senior Researcher, Pew Center on the States, Washington, D.C.
Public Pensions: Solutions from the SLC
Comparative Data Report Presentations
Education: Hank Hagar, West Virginia Senate Staff
Medicaid: Shawn Hotstream, Louisiana Legislative Fiscal Office
Revenue: Andrea Barksdale, Arkansas Bureau of Legislative Research
Transportation: John Snyder, Kentucky Legislative Research Commission
Adult Corrections: Stephanie Blanchard, Louisiana Legislative Fiscal Office
Human Services & Public Safety
Juvenile Justice Reform
Kirsten Widner, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Barton Child Law & Policy Center, Emory University, Georgia
Sonja Hallum, Senior Associate, State Policy, Pew Charitable Trusts
Expansion of Medicaid: Next Steps
Matt Salo, Executive Director, National Association of Medicaid Directors, Washington, D.C.
Legislative Service Agency Directors Group
Briefing from the State and Local Legal Center
Lisa Soronen, Executive Director, State and Local Legal Center, Washington, D.C.
Briefing from the DC Office of The Council of State Governments
Chris Whatley, DC Office Director, The Council of State Governments
The Evolving Role of Staffing Services in State Government
Dr. Peverill Squire, Hicks and Martha Griffiths Chair in American Political Institutions, University of Missouri
Marcia Goff, Research Director, Oklahoma House of Representatives
Demographic Changes in State Legislatures
Audrey Salgado, Chair, The 2014 Project, Alabama
State Transformation In Action Recognition (STAR) Program
Mississippi’s eGovernment Oversight Committee
Renee Murray, Procurement Consulting Team Leader, Department of Information Technology Services
Kentucky’s Vet Connect (WINNER)
Representative Tanya Pullin
Tara Boh Klute, General Manager, Administrative Office of the Courts, Pretrial Services
Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission
Cheryl Jackson, Executive Director, Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission
Rusty Nix, Tour Manager, Civil War 150 HistoryMobile
Georgia Parole Voice Recognition Supervision
Christopher Barnett, Regional Director, State Board of Pardons & Paroles
Matt Ahlert, Vice President, Agency Services, AnyTrax
Alabama’s Right Sizing of Youth Services
J. Walter Wood Jr., Executive Director, Alabama Department of Youth Services
Allen L. Peaton, Deputy Director for Administration, Alabama Department of Youth Services
Virginia Step Down Program, Administrative Segregation (WINNER)
Israel Hamilton, EBP Institutional Manager, Department of Corrections
Rick White, Statewide EBP Manager, Department of Corrections