Agriculture & Rural Development
This Land is Whose Land: Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land
Economic Development, Transportation, Cultural Affairs
The Rest is History: Historic Preservation Tax Credits and Economic Development
Going Places: The Future of Transportation
Adapt and Survive: Artificial Intelligence and EdTech in the Classroom
The Kids Aren’t Alright: Student Behavioral and Mental Health Strategies from the States
Energy & Environment
What’s Next for Nuclear: Emerging Technologies to Power Tomorrow
Human Services & Public Safety
Southern State Approaches to Mitigating the Childcare Crisis
Staff Alliance for Intergovernmental Leadership
Government Staff Tracks
Communication Excellence: Even When Communication is Hard
Mastering Stress: Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Calm and Confidence
AI Efficiencies: Lessons Learned from Congress’ Internal Adoption of AI
Supreme Court Update
State Transformation in Action Recognition (STAR) Award Finalists & Winner
PREP- Probation/Parole Reentry Education Program, Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles, AL